avp - some predictions
i'm really excited about alien vs predator. like *really* excited. like my-skin-is-tingley excited. i'm already resolved to the fact that it won't reach my unrealistic expectations. but here are a few not-so-cheery predictions:
1) it's gonna be toned-down
the movie is PG-13. that's right, you heard me. no one with any sense of moral rightness would make a standalone alien or predator movie anything less than R. combine the two and avp should be nothing less than a R-rated-gore-fest-monster-smackdown-orgee-melee. it's not gonna be. some parts may actually be - dare i even say - comedic.
2) they're gonna humanize the predator
plot-wise, i don't think there's any way around humanizing the predator. so they may pull something cheesy like make the audience symphatize with the predators. or even worse - have the humans fight side-by-side with them. no offense to the ladies reading this but if they have the lead chick (who stared in freakin brown suger) fight with the predators, i'm gonna get pretty upset.
i still have my hopes up. but consider yourself warned.
Thats a bummer. excited as well. question? whose gonna win?
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